Marcy Consulting equips entrepreneurs to refine fundamental operations, lock in lasting organizational systems, and jump-start new ideas.

Meet the Owner

Business Consultant, CSOM Entrepreneurial Management BSB

Marina Mascarenas

Welcome — Marina here.

As an ambitious entrepreneur, I developed a unique consulting method for small and large businesses to implement lasting systems and promote growth. My passion for building businesses encouraged the soft launch of services in 2024 at Marcy Consulting.

After completing an impeccable course load at the University of Minnesota, my passion for entrepreneurship continues to grow exponentially. Passion led me to begin refining processes in local firms. My vision and capacity to dream coupled with the need for unshakable business structure highlights the cutthroat skills of Marcy Consulting. I continually seek to refine my expertise and in doing so I offer a fresh perspective to every client.

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In Honor of Col. Marcella A. Nipps

Marcy Consulting honors the service of my great aunt, Colonel Marcella “Marcy” A. Nipps. Marcy served in the U.S. Army after graduating from the Army Student Nurse Program in 1969. Col. Nipps served for 29 years earning the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, meritorious Service Medal, and Army Commendation Medal. Marcy’s, and the service of our entire U.S. military, bought my freedom to start a business and live as an American entrepreneur. Today and every day, I am thankful for their lives.